What is NWOREP?
The Northwest Ohio Regional Education Partnership (NWOREP) was established in 2022 at the instigation of the State of Ohio to focus on bringing together key contributors all along the cradle-to-career spectrum in Northwest Ohio, starting in greater Toledo in order to create more collaboration, inspiring data-driven decision making and resulting in deeper impacts for all partners across the board. We are aimed at eliminating barriers to student success and ensuring that all students and adults, regardless of race, ZIP code, or life circumstances, have a pathway to complete a meaningful education and enter the workforce.
We truly believe we are stronger together and want to collaborate as much as possible to catalyze meaningful, lasting, systemic change in Toledo and beyond. We desire to partner together to build an early education foundation, increase postsecondary attainment, close the workforce gap, and broaden opportunity and access for all children and adults in Northwest Ohio.